ראשי חודשים
Roshei Chodashim
Heads of the Month
:הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם, רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים
רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם, לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:
It shall be the first month of the year to you
First precept received before the exodus from Egypt
--To establish the Hebrew calendar and observe
The beginning/first day(s)/head of the month--


The name of the month (spelled Alef-Lamed-Vav-Lamed) is said to be an acronym of "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li," "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine," a quote from Song of Songs 6:3, where the Beloved is G-d and the "I" is the Jewish people. In Aramaic (the vernacular of the Jewish people at the time that the month names were adopted), the word "Elul" means "search," which is appropriate, because this is a time of year when we search our hearts.

The month preceding Rosh Hashanah, Elul, is designated as a month of introspection and repentance. In preparation for the New Year, special prayers are recited. Psalm 27 is added at the end of morning and evening prayers, and the shofar is blown at the end of morning services on weekdays (except for the eve of Rosh Hashanah itself).

Among Sephardic communities, Selichot <> are recited at dawn on weekdays. Also, many complete the entire Book of Psalms twice during the month. It is customary to increase the giving of charity and to ask forgiveness from friends.

ELUL: A Time To Reflect

Man with shofar.... remember to hear the shofar everyday!

Man blowing shofar and Kotel background adapted from a painting by Michel Schwartz.


Click here to hear the shofar...

Rosh Chodesh Elul

(Much of the following material regarding Rosh Chodesh Elul is abstracted from Mesorah Publications Stone Edition of the Chumash and from Rabbi Eliyahu KiTov's Sefer HaTodaah)

Elul and Rosh Chodesh Elul - In Relation to Other Months of the Year

1 Nisan
2 Iyar
4 Tammuz
5 Av - 30 days
6 Elul - 29 days; Rosh Chodesh is 2 days
7 Tishrei - 30 days
8 Cheshvan
9 Kislev
10 Tevet
11 Shevat
12 Adar

Special Significance (Biblical and by "Minhag," (Jewish Custom) ) of Rosh Chodesh Elul


Moshe had gone up in the Month of Sivan, and returned after forty days and forty nights, on the 17th of Tammuz with the First Luchos. When Moshe observed the Jewish People sinning by creating and worshipping the Golden Calf, and participating in other sinful activities centered around the worship of that idol, he broke that first set of Luchos. He ascended Mount Sinai a second time, on the eighteenth day of Tammuz, the day after the great sin, and remained there for another forty days and forty nights, praying to G-d to spare the Jewish People and to return His full Presence among them.

At the conclusion of the second forty day and forty night period (that is, on the 29th of Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul), G-d forgave the Jewish People and instructed Moshe to ascend Har Sinai yet again the next day, to receive the Second Luchos, on which would be inscribed for the second time the Ten Commandments. Moshe�s ascension to Har Sinai for the third time(which also took forty days and forty nights, ending on Yom Kippur)occurred on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

HaShem also restored His Presence to the Jewish People by authorizing the construction of the "Mishkan," the Temporary Structure which served as a "Residence," so to speak, for the Divine Presence, before the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Minhagim (Customs) Related to Rosh Chodesh Elul

The Custom:

Beginning the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, and continuing until-but-not-including Erev Rosh HaShanah (the day preceding Rosh HaShanah), the custom is to blow the Shofar every weekday (excluding Shabbat, but not Sunday), four sounds -

1. Tekiah - a flat straight sound, "Tuuuu"

2.- 3. Combination of Shevarim - three broken sounds, resembling sighing, "U-Tu, U-Tu, U-Tu," and Teruah - nine rapid sounds resembling wailing, "Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu"

4. And a final Tekiah

Note: The duration of the "Tekiah" sounds at the beginning and at the end, both during this Elul-introductory period of Shofar-blowing, and on Rosh HaShanah itself, the Day of Sounding the Shofar, must be equal to the duration of the Shevarim-Teruah (or Shevarim alone, or Teruah alone, as we shall see, placed in between them).

The Background:

When Moshe went up the Second Time to receive the "Aseret HaDibrot," the "Ten Commandments," the Jewish People blew the Shofar in the Camp. They did this to impress upon themselves that Moshe had once again gone up the mountain of Sinai, so that they would not again make the tragic mistake in judging the time of Moshe's return, and fall again into Idol Worship.

Therefore, the Jewish People in later generations accepted upon themselves the custom of blowing the Shofar, beginning with Rosh Chodesh Elul to remind themselves that the people of Israel in the desert had sinned with the Egel, had repented, had been forgiven by G-d and restored to their former level of holiness. This would arouse in their hearts and minds the importance and the effectiveness of doing "Teshuvah."

The Custom:

Ashkenazic (Northern, Western and Eastern Europe) have the custom, beginning with the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, of reciting Chapter 27 of Tehilim (Psalms), beginning "By (King) David, 'The L-rd is my Light and my Salvation,' " until and including Hoshannah Rabbah.

The Background:

This custom is based on the Medrash which links the "Light" of David, and the "Light" of all human beings, to Rosh HaShanah, the Day of Judgment, when by the light of the "neshamah," the soul, Hashem searches out the recesses and "hidden" areas of the human being. This idea is in turn based on the verse "The Lamp of Hashem is the human soul, which searches out all the recesses of his being." And the "Salvation" of David and of all human beings is linked to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when Hashem atones for the sins of His creatures.

What is Elul?

The 25th of Elul marks the creation of the world and Rosh HaShannah creation of Adam and Eve

The 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light, was the 25th of Elul. (Rosh Hashanah, on which we mark "the beginning of Your works", is actually the 6th day of creation, on which the world attained attained the potential for the realization of its purpose, with the creation of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. Rosh Hashanah is therefore the day from which the Jewish calendar begins to count the years of history; the 1st day of creation thus occurred on the 25th of Elul of what is termed -1 from creation.

Links: Parshah Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8) with commentary

Name (Click on the name to view more info.)
3Rabbi Yitzchak Tzaddikah of Jerba

4Rabbi Simcha HaKohen of Dvinsk
Talmudist, halachist, and torah commentator.

5Rabbi Moshe Idan of Jerba

7Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim
Darshan (preacher), father of Rabbi Yosef Chaim (The Ben Ish Chai).

8Rabbanit Malka of Belz
Wife of the first Belz rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Rokeach.

9Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin

9Dan ben Yaacov Avinu
Dan was the Son of Jacob the Patriarch and Bilhah the handmaid of Rachel. He is one of the 12 Tribes.

10Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz
Student of the Baal Shem Tov, Chassidic leader, Kabbalist.

12Rabbi Simcha Bunam of Pshis'cha
Chassidic leader, teacher of the Kotzker Rebbe.

12Rabbi Shimon of Toledo
Son of the famous talmudist, Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel - HaRosh.

13Rabbi Yosef Chaim- The Ben Ish Chai - The Ben Ish Chai
Darshan (preacher), Kabbalist

15Rabbi Yaakov Koppel Chassid
Student of the Baal Shem Tov

18Rabbi Yehudah Loew of Prague- The Maharal - The Maharal
Talmudist, Kabbalist, chief rabbi of Prague. Creator of the Golem.

21Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz
Talmudist, Halachist and Kabbalist

23Rabbi Uri of Strelisk- The Saraf - The Saraf
Chassidic leader.

24Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan- The Chafetz Chaim - The Chafetz Chaim
Halachist, Torah leader of his generation.

25The Tanna Rabbi Elazar
Fifth generation tanna, son of the great tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

25Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov
Chassidic leader, student of the Baal Shem Tov.

26Rabbi Chaim Pinto
Chief rabbi of the Jewish community of Mogador, Kabbalist.

27Rabbi Natan Adler
Talmudic scholar, Kabbalist.


Rabbi Shalom Rokeach of Belz - Sar Shalom - Sar Shalom
The first Belzer Chassidic rebbe.

Shaul HaMelech/King Saul
The king and his three sons die in Gilboa (Samuel 1 31 2-5) 4 months after Shmuel Hanavi/Samuel The prophet's death (878 B.C.E)

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