ראשי חודשים
Roshei Chodashim
Heads of the Month
:הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם, רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים
רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם, לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:
It shall be the first month of the year to you
First precept received before the exodus from Egypt
--To establish the Hebrew calendar and observe
The beginning/first day(s)/head of the month--


The New Month of Cheshvan and The Death Anniversary of Rachel Imeinu / the Matriarch

Rosh Chodesh - The New Jewish Month


Sign: Akrav (Scorpion) - because the earth is thirsty for water
Other Names: Mar Cheshvan, Bul, Hachodesh HaShmini

Cheshvan, the month following Tishrei on the modern Jewish calendar is referred to in the Tanach as Yerach Bul (Kings I, Chapter 6:38). Bul refers to the idea that during this month the grass withers (baleh) and feed is mixed (bolelin) in the house for the animals (Rashi’s interpretation). Others think it may come from the word yevul (produce) for during this month plowing and planting begin in Israel. Still others see a reference toMabul, flood, since according to the Midrash more rain falls in this month since it marks the beginning of the great Flood during the time of Noach.

In modern times, this month has become known as Cheshvan or Mar Cheshvan, which seems to have originated at the time that Jews came back to Israel after the Babylonian Exile. The prefix Mar (which means bitter) is a reference to this month having no festivals or rejoicing, but much suffering for Jews throughout the ages. Also during this month, God brought down the Flood and drowned the world (except for Noach and those with him on the ark.) Mar also means drop and refers to the first rains (theYoreh), which fall in Cheshvan.

Ritual Practices: Cheshvan always has a two-day Rosh Chodesh, the second of which, the first of the new month, always falls on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Shabbat.

On the seventh day of Cheshvan those living in Israel begin requesting rain by adding "Veten Tal U'Matar" to their Shmone Esre prayers. If no rain has fallen by the 17th, a drought is feared and ritual fasting ans special prayer begins.

The 27th of Cheshvan is observed by those who fast on Erev Rosh Chodesh as a Yom Kippur Katan (small scale Yom Kippur) fast day. If ten or more men are fasting, the passages of Vayechal are read at Mincha.

Other facts: King Solomon completed the seven-year building of the Sanctuary during Cheshvan and there should have been a festival. Though all Israel waited for G-d’s command concerning this dedication, G-d waited until the next Tishrey (11 months later) before he finally commanded the dedication.

Yet our sages tell us (Yalkut Melachim 184) that Mar-Cheshvan will be repaid by G-d for its loss in the world to come.

Important Dates During Mar Cheshvan:

4RAMBAN (Nachmanides)
Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman
Died 1270 (5031)
11Rachel Imeinu
Wife of Yaakov
12Yitzchak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel 1974-77/92-95
1995 (5756)
13Zeev Jabotinsky
Great Zionist Leader
Born 1880 (5641)
Night of Broken Glass
1938 (5699)
17Balfour Declaration
British Gov't Agree to Jewish Homeland
Issued 1917 (5678)
20Don Isaac Abarbanel
Biblical Commentator, Statesman
Died 1508 (5269)
26Yitzchak Shamir
Prime Minister of Israel 1983-84/86-92
Born 1915 (5676)



11 Cheshvan - Rachel Imeinu Passes Away

On the eleventh of Cheshvan, while giving birth to her 2nd son, Binyamin, Rachel, the beloved wife of Ya'akov, died, and was buried on the road to Bethlehem.

The site of her burial in Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem, known to us by tradition, is covered by a stone edifice. Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem, Israel
For millennia, Jews have come to this site to pour forth their hearts in prayer, and to awaken her merit in any time of travail, for the community as well as for the individual.

Our mother Rachel was not buried in the tile cave of Machpelah in Hevron together with the other Matriarchs and Patriarchs of our people. Instead, she was buried on the road to Jerusalem, exactly where she died, while coming back to Jerusalem from the House of Lavan with Ya'akov.

Why did our Father Ya'akov bury Rachel on the road in Bethlehem?

According to Rabbi Eliyahu Ki Tov's Book of Our Heritage, Ya'akov saw prophetically that in the future, Jewish exiles would pass by on that road and she might seek mercy for them.

When Nebuzaradan exiled the Jews from Israel, and they in fact passed her grave, Rachel emerged to weep and to ask for mercy in their behalf, (Yirmeyahu 3l): "Thus did the Lord say, a voice is heard on high, lamentation and hitter weeping, Rachel weeps for her children, she refuses to be consoled for her children, for they are not." And God in fact answers: "Thus did the Lord say, refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is reward for your labor, said the Lord, and the children shall return to their boundary" (Rashi Va'yechi, and Midrashim quoted by Radak, Yirmeyahu 31).

Another Midrash relates: When the Patriarchs and Matriarchs went to intercede with God over the image which Menasheh placed in the Temple, God was not reconciled. Rachel entered and said before Him: Lord of the universe! Whose mercy is greater? Yours? Or the mercy of a person of flesh and blood. Surely, Your mercy is greater. Have I not brought my rival (Leah) into my house? For all the work which Yaakov did for my father, was done by him, only for my sake. When I came to enter the chupah, my sister was brought in my place. And not only did I keep silent, but I even gave her my signs. You too -- though Your children have brought Your enemy into Your House - be silent towards them! He said to her: You have defended them well, there is reward for your labor, for your righteousness in having given your signs to your sister (Rashi Yirmeyahu 31).

From the time when the People of Israel went into their first exile until Yirmeyahu's prophecy of redemption ('and the children shall return to their boundary'), the grave of our mother Rachel has always been and will always remain a House of Prayer to Israel, for she is a mother to all Israel, and always awakens mercy in their behalf.

View Pictures:

Hillulot for the Month of Cheshvan
Hillulot/Yahrzeits/Death Anniversaries of
the Righteous for the Month of Cheshvan


Name (Click on the name to view more info.)
3Rabbi Yisrael of Rizhin
Chassidic leader.

9Rabbi Asher Ben Yechiel - Rosh - Rosh
Halachist, Talmudist

10Gad ben Yaakov Avinu
Gad was the Son of Jacob the Patriarch and Zilpa the handmaid of Leah. He is one of the 12 Tribes.

11Metushelach ben Chanoch
Metushelach was the grandfather of Noach.He lived for 969 years.

11Rachel Imeinu (Rachel the Matriarch)
Rachel was one of the wives of Yaacov (Jacob) Avinu, sister of Leah Imeinu.

11Binyamin ben Yaakov Avinu
Binyamin (Benjamin) was the Son of Jacob the Patriarch and Rachel the Matriarch. He is the founder of one of the 12 Tribes.

11Rabbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl
Chassidic leader, student of the Baal Shem Tov, Kabbalist.

12Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Kitzes
Student of the Baal Shem Tov

15Matityahu Kohen Gadol - Hasmonai
Leader of the Jewish revolt against the Greeks, during the Second Templ era. A main figure in the Chanukah holiday.

16Rabbi Amram Chassidah (The Pious)
Rabbi Amram Chassidah was a second generation Amora.

20Rabbi Avraham ben David- (RAVAD II) - (RAVAD II)
Talmudist and Kabbalist.

24Rabbi Avraham Azulai

28Rabbi Yonah of Gerona
Popularly known as Rabbeinu Yonah. Ethicist, author of Shaarei Teshuvah.


Rabbi Pinson gives insight about the month of Chesvan