ראשי חודשים
Roshei Chodashim
Heads of the Month
:הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם, רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים
רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם, לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months:
It shall be the first month of the year to you
First precept received before the exodus from Egypt
--To establish the Hebrew calendar and observe
The beginning/first day(s)/head of the month--



Rosh Chodesh - The New Jewish Month

"Chodesh Tammuz," The Month of Tammuz

"And He brought me to the entrance at the Gate of the House
of the L-rd which was at the north; and there were there women sitting, bewailing the Tammuz" (Yechezkel 8:14)

(Some of the material in this section is adapted with permission, from Sefer HaTodaah of Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov)

Name of the Month

"Tammuz" is the Babylonian name of this month, as are all of the "official" names of the months in the Hebrew Calendar. In the Bible, however, the month is referred to as "the Fourth Month," with reference to Nisan, the First Month.

Biblical Significance of the Month

As mentioned above, the name which "came up" from Babylon with the Jewish People was Tammuz. In this case, consideration of the use of the name in Yechezkel would make it appropriate to say that the name "Tammuz" brought down the Jewish People. The verse in Yechezkel cited above speaks of the worship of a Babylonian idol, known as "Tammuz." And it seems most odd, at first glance, that this name would be chosen as the name of a Hebrew month.

However, in the context of the month that we are dealing with, a month of tragedies which would lead to still greater tragedies, the appropriateness of the name becomes clear. The Prophet Yechezkel was being shown by G-d the reasons for His great Anger against the Jewish People, namely, the various forms of idol-worship which had been adopted by them to replace the Divine Service. This behavior would result, if the Jewish People would not repent, in the Destruction of the Once-Holy, but now desecrated, Temple.

Earlier Biblical Significance

We read in the Book of Yehoshua (10:11-14) of the Battle of Yehoshua and the People of Israel against the five kings of the Emorite Nation. In the Biblical account, we find mention of "great stones" thrown, as it were, by G-d, upon the Emorites. This could refer to hail, as the verse itself mentions (Yehoshua 10:11).

But in light of the great astronomical miracle detailed in the following verses (12-14), in which the sun and the moon are pictured as having not advanced, until the People of Israel had achieved complete victory, there is here the suggestion of a tremendous suspension of the paths in Heaven, perhaps caused by a contact of the Solar System with an intense meteor, or asteroid, shower.

Whatever the case, according to Jewish tradition, this great miracle is supposed to have occurred on the third of Tammuz.

Zodiac Sign of the Month

The "sign" of the month is "Sartan," "Cancer," or "The Crab," because a constellation which is observed at this time of year has the appearance of a crab. Also, the season is summer, and the hot weather of summer causes crabs to multiply in the water.

Crabs pinch and hurt, and this month was basically a time in which the Jewish People were hurt.

Significance of Astrology in Judaism

Chodesh Tammuz - In Relation to the Other Months of the Year

1 Nisan
2 Iyar
3 Sivan (30 days)
4 Tammuz (29 days)
5 Av (30 days)
6 Elul
7 Tishrei
8 Cheshvan
9 Kislev
10 Tevet
11 Shevat
12 Adar

Reminder: It is important to ALWAYS remember whose world this is and that Hashem controls it. Astrology may be a tool, only it is NOT to be relied upon. ALWAYS it is Hashem who we must seek, first and foremost!
From previous email:
R' Yedidel
The Month of Tammuz
Tammuz is the fourth month counting from Nissan and is referred to as such in scripture (Yirmeyahu 39:2). As is the case with other months, the name Tammuz originated in Babylonia.
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz always consists of two days, for the preceding month of Sivan always has thirty days. Thus, the thirtieth day of Sivan is the first day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. The month of Tammuz always has twenty-nine days. Thus, the month of Av which follows always has only one day of Rosh Chodesh.
On the third day of Tammuz, Yehoshua caused the sun and the moon to stop and their light remained for thirty- six consecutive hours so that Israel could exact punishment from her enemies. As the pasuk (Yehoshua 10:12-13) states: "Then Yehoshua spoke to G-d on the day when G-d delivered the Emorites before the children of Israel, and he said in Israel's presence `Sun, stand in place upon Givon, and moon, upon the valley of Ayalon." And the sun stood still and the moon remained in place until the nation had avenged herself upon her enemies.

Hillulot for the Month of Tammuz
Hillulot / Yahrzeits / Death Anniversaries of
Sages and the Righteous for the Month of Tammuz


Name (Click on the name to view more info.)
1Rabbi Klonymos Kalman Halevi Epstein - Maor Vashemesh - Maor Vashemesh
Chassidic leader, student of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. His book 'Maor Vashemesh' offers profound chassidic insights interwoven with kabbalistic thoughts, arranged according to the weekly Torah portions.

2Rabbi Avraham of Trisk
Son of the tzaddik, Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl. His book 'Magen Avraham' includes guidelines for Yeshiva students.

3Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Chassidic leader, "the Rebbe"- of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

8Rabbi Eliyahu Mani
Kabbalist, an assosiate of the Ben Ish Chai, rabbi of Hebron.

11Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Zidichov
Chassidic leader and Kabbalist. Student of the Chozeh of Lublin. His famous book Ateret Tzvi, is a commentary on the Zohar.

12Rabbi Yaacov ben Asher- Baal HaTurim - Baal HaTurim
Posek, Chumash commentator and codifier. His fame rests on his encyclopedic Halachic codification Arbaah Turim which is the forerunner of our Shulchan Aruch today.

14Rabbi Yosef of Trani
Posek (ordained-judge), Talmudist, and head rabbi of Kushta (Turkey).

15Rabbi Chaim ben AtarOhr HaChaim Ohr HaChaim
Torah commentator, kabbalist, talmudist.

16Chur ben Miriam
Chur was the son of Miriam the Prophetess and Kalev.

20Rabbi Natan Neta Hanover
talmudist, darshan, kabbalist.

21Rabbi Eliyahu Baal Shem
Kabbalist, leader of the Nistarim.

22Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin
Chassidic leader

23Rabbi Moshe Cordovero- The RAMAK - The RAMAK

29Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki - RASHI - RASHI
Greatest of all commentators